Thursday, May 2, 2013

Chia milk

Chia seeds are one of the most versatile superfoods around. You can have it with your porridge, in smoothies, bread/cake recipes, or simply sprinkled raw on top of your foods, salads and soups!
Here are other great reasons why you should incorporate Chia into your everyday diet:
Chia is Gluten-Free! It is super high in dietary fibre (great for digestion and healing digestion issues)! It is high in Omega 3 (8 times higher than salmon)- making it a super food for the brain and heart! It boasts a 20% complete protein (with all 8 essential amino acids)! It is high in antioxidants (4 times higher than blueberries)! Contains 5 times more calcium than milk! Contains 7 times more Vitamin C than oranges! 3 times more iron than spinach! Twice the potassium content of a banana! It is good for healthy skin, hair and nails! Has a positive impact balancing blood glucose levels (so good for diabetics)! Makes a great egg replacement (just combine with water to form a gel and add it to recipes that call for egg)

Just be sure to drink plenty of water as Chia is very high in fiber. Here is a recipe that contains just that:


  • 30g macadamia nuts (or you can use almonds, cashews or other nuts)
  • 30g chia seeds
  • 1250g filtered/drinking water
  • 10g raw tahini or sesame seeds
  • 30g honey
  • pinch of sea salt
  • extra water to soak nuts


  1. In a jar, soak chia seeds in 750g of the drinking water overnight
  2. In a seperate bowl, soak the nuts in approx double the water overnight
  3.  When ready, discard the water from the nuts bowl and rinse
  4. Pour the nuts, chia seeds and water (that you soaked overnight with) into TM. Blend 1min/sp8
  5. Add remaining 500g drinking water and remaining ingredients. Blend 10sec/sp5
  6. Will last up to a week in the fridge. The antioxidants will ensure it keeps
If you don't own a thermomix, you can do steps 4&5 using a good quality blender and blending on high and for longer

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